You use your company’s information to enable business decisions. However, keeping all this information on hand is difficult to manage, takes up valuable work space, and poses potential risks to your business.

With Ivy Ventures, you can store your information and retain continuous access to that information for as long you need.

  • You can get control of your information, but pass off the hassle of maintaining it on your own.
  • You can reallocate resources used today in favour of having a leader in information management take care of it for you.
  • You can repurpose onsite space currently used to store information – whether it’s physical or electronic records – and safely and securely store it offsite with a trusted vendor.

You need a strategy to access and use your records, knowing that different types of records may require a different strategy. Based on what information you have, where it resides and how you want to use it now and in the future, Ivy Ventures can help you select the solution that fits your business needs.